programmingJava Programmingoperatorsexpressions

Operators and Expressions in Java

By Swann
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Operators and Expressions in Java


Operators play a pivotal role in formulating expressions and manipulating data within any programming language, including Java. They act as symbols that instruct the compiler to perform specific mathematical, relational, or logical operations.

Categories of Operators in Java

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations.

int sum = 5 + 10;  // Addition
int diff = 10 - 5; // Subtraction

Relational Operators

Relational operators compare two values.

boolean isEqual = (5 == 10); // Equality check
boolean isNotEqual = (5 != 10); // Inequality check

Logical Operators

Logical operators perform operations on boolean values.

boolean result = (5 > 10) && (10 < 15); // Logical AND

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators assign values to variables.

int a = 10; // Assignment
a += 5; // Addition assignment

Expressions in Java

Expressions are combinations of variables, literals, and operators that are computed to produce a value.

int totalScore = (score * weight) + bonus; 

Using Operators and Expressions in Java

Calculating Values

Operators can be utilized to calculate and manipulate data.

int area = length * breadth;

Making Decisions

Logical and relational operators are crucial in decision-making constructs like if statements.

if (score >= passingScore) {


Operators are often used in loops to govern the iteration conditions.

for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {

Precedence and Associativity of Operators

Understanding the precedence and associativity of operators is crucial to formulate expressions accurately. For instance, multiplication and division have higher precedence over addition and subtraction.


Mastering operators and understanding how to formulate expressions is fundamental in crafting logical and functional Java applications. This foundational knowledge aids in manipulating data, making decisions, and controlling the flow of the program, thereby facilitating the creation of dynamic and interactive applications.

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