Java Programmingprogrammingmodern javajava versions

Java Features in Modern Java Versions (Java 8, Java 11, Java 16, etc.)

By Swann
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Java Features in Modern Java Versions


Java, a renowned object-oriented programming language, has continually evolved since its inception, adding numerous features, improving performance, and enhancing developer experience with each new version. This article aims to shed light on the notable features introduced in modern Java versions, namely Java 8, Java 11, Java 16, and others.

Java 8: The Turning Point

Java 8 introduced some of the most pivotal features that reshaped programming in Java, making it more expressive and developer-friendly.

  • Lambda Expressions: Enables functional programming, providing a succinct way to write instances of single-method interfaces (functional interfaces).
  • Stream API: Introduced a new abstraction that allows processing sequences of elements (e.g., collections) in a functional style.
  • Default and Static Methods in Interfaces: Enhanced interfaces, allowing method implementations.

Java 11: LTS and Additional Features

Java 11, being a Long-Term Support (LTS) version, brought several new features, enhancements, and API improvements.

  • Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters: Introduced var in lambda expressions to declare the local variables used in a lambda expression.
  • HTTP Client API: A new HTTP client that supports HTTP/2 and WebSocket, which can replace the legacy HttpURLConnection API.
  • Running Java Files with a Shebang: Java source files can be executed directly using the java command without explicit compilation.

Java 16: Incubating and API Enhancements

Java 16 introduced some incubating features and API enhancements, offering a sneak peek into the future directions of Java.

  • JEP 338: Unix-Domain Socket Channels: Enhanced the SocketChannel and ServerSocketChannel APIs to support Unix-domain socket features.
  • JEP 376: ZGC: Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing: Moved ZGC's (Garbage Collector) thread-stack processing from safepoints to concurrent phases, improving pause time predictability.
  • JEP 394: Pattern Matching for instanceof: Enhanced the Java programming language with pattern matching for the instanceof operator.

Modern Java: A Glimpse Beyond Java 16

Java continues to evolve, with each subsequent version bringing new features, syntax improvements, and enhanced APIs, focusing on improving developer experience, performance, and functionality.

  • Record Types: A feature beyond Java 16, record types help model immutable data in applications.
  • Pattern Matching: Introduced in various forms in different Java versions, pattern matching simplifies common coding patterns by providing a more readable syntax.
  • Sealed Classes: Allowing class authors to control which classes can be subclasses.


The evolution of Java has been guided by the principle of maintaining backward compatibility while introducing new features that simplify development, improve performance, and enhance the language's capabilities. Developers should explore and adopt the features from the modern versions of Java to leverage the power and improvements offered by them.

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