programmingc++smart pointersmemory management

Smart Pointers in C++

By Swann
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Smart Pointers in C++


Smart pointers in C++ are objects that act like pointers but provide automated memory management, ensuring that objects are deallocated when they are no longer needed, thereby preventing memory leaks. They are a crucial part of C++’s Standard Template Library (STL) and provide a safer alternative to traditional pointers when it comes to managing memory.

Types of Smart Pointers

1. std::unique_ptr

  • Ownership: Owns the object it points to uniquely.
  • Copy Semantics: Does not support copy semantics.
  • Use Case: Useful when an object is only owned by one owner.


std::unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(10));

2. std::shared_ptr

  • Ownership: Can share ownership of an object.
  • Copy Semantics: Supports copy semantics.
  • Use Case: Useful when an object can have multiple owners.


std::shared_ptr<int> ptr = std::make_shared<int>(20);

3. std::weak_ptr

  • Ownership: Does not have ownership of the object it points to.
  • Copy Semantics: Can be converted to a shared_ptr to temporarily obtain ownership.
  • Use Case: Useful to break circular dependencies in complex data structures like graphs.


std::weak_ptr<int> ptr;

Memory Management with Smart Pointers

Automatic Deallocation

  • Smart pointers automatically deallocate memory when they go out of scope or are no longer needed.

Exception Safety

  • Ensure memory is not leaked even when exceptions are thrown and caught.

Smart Pointers in Action

Creating Smart Pointers

  • Utilize std::make_shared and std::make_unique for creating shared_ptr and unique_ptr respectively.

Transferring Ownership

  • std::move can be used to transfer ownership of the object from one smart pointer to another.

Accessing Members

  • -> and * operators can be used to access members and dereference smart pointers.

Managing Resources

  • Smart pointers can manage resources like file handles, network connections, and more.

Best Practices

  • Prefer std::make_shared and std::make_unique: They provide exception safety and are generally more efficient.
  • Avoid Using Raw Pointers: Minimize the use of raw pointers where smart pointers can be utilized.
  • Use std::weak_ptr to Prevent Circular Dependencies: It allows shared ownership without causing memory leaks.


Smart pointers in C++ provide a robust mechanism for managing memory effectively, ensuring that resources are properly deallocated and reducing the risk of memory leaks. By understanding and effectively utilizing unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr, developers can ensure efficient and safe memory management in their C++ applications.

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